Our partnerships are a cornerstone to our success. They provide
expertise, knowledge, funding and in-kind support creating new
collaborative opportunities for the CPDC.
Our partnerships are a cornerstone to our success. They provide
expertise, knowledge, funding and in-kind support creating new
collaborative opportunities for CPDC.
Partner with us
CPDC is actively seeking direct investment, licensing and collaboration opportunities in the radiopharmaceutical space. If you have a radiopharmaceutical therapeutic, diagnostic or related enabling technology, please reach out to us. Contact us at
Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR)
Ontario Institute for Cancer
Research (OICR)
Through funding provided by our partner OICR, CPDC is able to develop
in-house radiophamaceutical innovations, create intellectual property, and
supply cutting edge agents to patients in Ontario. The OICR is an innovative
cancer research and development institute dedicated to prevention, early
detection, diagnosis and treatment of cancer. The Institute is an independent,
not-for-profit corporation, funded by the Government of Ontario. OICR’s
research supports more than 1,700 investigators, clinician scientists, research
staff and trainees located at its headquarters and in research institutes and
academia across the Province of Ontario. OICR has key research efforts
underway in small molecules, biologics, stem cells, imaging, genomics,
informatics and bio-computing.
Through funding provided by our partner OICR, CPDC is able to develop
in-house radiophamaceutical innovations, create intellectual property, and
supply cutting edge agents to patients in Ontario. The OICR is an innovative
cancer research and development institute dedicated to prevention, early
detection, diagnosis and treatment of cancer. The Institute is an independent,
not-for-profit corporation, funded by the Government of Ontario. OICR’s
research supports more than 1,700 investigators, clinician scientists, research
staff and trainees located at its headquarters and in research institutes and
academia across the Province of Ontario. OICR has key research efforts
underway in small molecules, biologics, stem cells, imaging, genomics,
informatics and bio-computing.
in-house radiophamaceutical innovations, create intellectual property, and
supply cutting edge agents to patients in Ontario. The OICR is an innovative
cancer research and development institute dedicated to prevention, early
detection, diagnosis and treatment of cancer. The Institute is an independent,
not-for-profit corporation, funded by the Government of Ontario. OICR’s
research supports more than 1,700 investigators, clinician scientists, research
staff and trainees located at its headquarters and in research institutes and
academia across the Province of Ontario. OICR has key research efforts
underway in small molecules, biologics, stem cells, imaging, genomics,
informatics and bio-computing.
McMaster University
McMaster University provides supporting infrastructure to the CPDC and
has been our host institution since 2008. McMaster is one of the only 4
Canadian universities ranked among the top 100 in the world. McMaster
has a long history in Nuclear Research stemming back more the 50 years
since the opening of the McMaster Nuclear Reactor (MNR) in 1959.
McMaster is recognized as a world-leader in radiation sciences, nuclear
engineering, medical isotope and radiopharmaceutical production and
McMaster University provides supporting infrastructure to the CPDC and
has been our host institution since 2008. McMaster is one of the only 4
Canadian universities ranked among the top 100 in the world. McMaster
has a long history in Nuclear Research stemming back more the 50 years
since the opening of the McMaster Nuclear Reactor (MNR) in 1959.
McMaster is recognized as a world-leader in radiation sciences, nuclear
engineering, medical isotope and radiopharmaceutical production and
has been our host institution since 2008. McMaster is one of the only 4
Canadian universities ranked among the top 100 in the world. McMaster
has a long history in Nuclear Research stemming back more the 50 years
since the opening of the McMaster Nuclear Reactor (MNR) in 1959.
McMaster is recognized as a world-leader in radiation sciences, nuclear
engineering, medical isotope and radiopharmaceutical production and
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Since its founding in 1947, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston,
Massachusetts has been committed to providing adults and children with
cancer the best treatment, while developing tomorrow’s cures through
cutting-edge research. In 2016, Dana-Farber and CPDC joined to create
the International Probe Development Consortium (IPDC), to combine each
party’s expertise in radiopharmaceutical development and cancer
research to create novel molecular probes for non-invasive imaging in
cancer research, drug development, and patient care.
Since its founding in 1947, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston,
Massachusetts has been committed to providing adults and children with
cancer the best treatment, while developing tomorrow’s cures through
cutting-edge research. In 2016, Dana-Farber and CPDC joined to create
the International Probe Development Consortium (IPDC), to combine each
party’s expertise in radiopharmaceutical development and cancer
research to create novel molecular probes for non-invasive imaging in
cancer research, drug development, and patient care.
Massachusetts has been committed to providing adults and children with
cancer the best treatment, while developing tomorrow’s cures through
cutting-edge research. In 2016, Dana-Farber and CPDC joined to create
the International Probe Development Consortium (IPDC), to combine each
party’s expertise in radiopharmaceutical development and cancer
research to create novel molecular probes for non-invasive imaging in
cancer research, drug development, and patient care.
Lawson Health Research Institute
Lawson Health Research Institute is a large hospital-based research
institute located in London, Ontario. Lawson and CPDC have a long
standing relationship as co-founders of ARTMS, along with TRIUMF and
the BC Cancer Agency. More recently, Lawson has partnered with CPDC
as a manufacturing and clinical site for CPDC’s Phase 3 clinical trial for
[18F]PSMA-1007, a diagnostic agent for prostate cancer.
Lawson Health Research Institute is a large hospital-based research
institute located in London, Ontario. Lawson and CPDC have a long
standing relationship as co-founders of ARTMS, along with TRIUMF and
the BC Cancer Agency. More recently, Lawson has partnered with CPDC
as a manufacturing and clinical site for CPDC’s Phase 3 clinical trial for
[18F]PSMA-1007, a diagnostic agent for prostate cancer.
institute located in London, Ontario. Lawson and CPDC have a long
standing relationship as co-founders of ARTMS, along with TRIUMF and
the BC Cancer Agency. More recently, Lawson has partnered with CPDC
as a manufacturing and clinical site for CPDC’s Phase 3 clinical trial for
[18F]PSMA-1007, a diagnostic agent for prostate cancer.
TRIUMF’s mission is to serve as Canada’s particle accelerator centre.
Founded in 1968 by Simon Fraser and University of British Columbia,
TRIUMF is focused on advancing isotope science and technology,
collaborating across communities and disciplines ranging from nuclear,
to particle physics, to the life and material sciences. TRIUMF and CPDC
have a long standing relationship as co-founders of ARTMS along with
Lawson Health Research Institute and the BC Cancer Agency.
TRIUMF’s mission is to serve as Canada’s particle accelerator centre.
Founded in 1968 by Simon Fraser and University of British Columbia,
TRIUMF is focused on advancing isotope science and technology,
collaborating across communities and disciplines ranging from nuclear,
to particle physics, to the life and material sciences. TRIUMF and CPDC
have a long standing relationship as co-founders of ARTMS along with
Lawson Health Research Institute and the BC Cancer Agency.
Founded in 1968 by Simon Fraser and University of British Columbia,
TRIUMF is focused on advancing isotope science and technology,
collaborating across communities and disciplines ranging from nuclear,
to particle physics, to the life and material sciences. TRIUMF and CPDC
have a long standing relationship as co-founders of ARTMS along with
Lawson Health Research Institute and the BC Cancer Agency.
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada ( ISED )
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) works with
Canadians in all areas of the economy and in all parts of the country to
improve conditions for investment, enhance Canada’s innovation
performance, increase Canada’s share of global trade and build a fair,
efficient and competitive marketplace. ISED’s Strategic Innovation Funding
(SIF) has provided CPDC with significant funds to discover and develop
next-generation radiopharmaceuticals, as well as expand collaborations
and provide funds for company creation, further expanding the Canadian
radiopharmaceutical ecosystem.
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) works with
Canadians in all areas of the economy and in all parts of the country to
improve conditions for investment, enhance Canada’s innovation
performance, increase Canada’s share of global trade and build a fair,
efficient and competitive marketplace. ISED’s Strategic Innovation Funding
(SIF) has provided CPDC with significant funds to discover and develop
next-generation radiopharmaceuticals, as well as expand collaborations
and provide funds for company creation, further expanding the Canadian
radiopharmaceutical ecosystem.
Canadians in all areas of the economy and in all parts of the country to
improve conditions for investment, enhance Canada’s innovation
performance, increase Canada’s share of global trade and build a fair,
efficient and competitive marketplace. ISED’s Strategic Innovation Funding
(SIF) has provided CPDC with significant funds to discover and develop
next-generation radiopharmaceuticals, as well as expand collaborations
and provide funds for company creation, further expanding the Canadian
radiopharmaceutical ecosystem.
Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE)
The NCE is a key partner of the CPDC, providing funding through its
Centre’s of Excellence for Commercialization and Research Program. The
NCE was created in 1989 as a joint initiative of the Natural Sciences and
Engineering Research Council, the Social Sciences and Humanities
Research Council, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Industry
Canada and Health Canada. The NCE harnesses the best talent in the
natural sciences, engineering, social sciences and health sciences, to build a
more advanced, healthy, competitive and prosperous Canada. The centres
and networks created through the NCE have steadily helped to form the
right environment for industry and government to invest in Canadian
innovations. In an average year, the Networks of Centres of Excellence
leverages additional cash and in-kind contributions of almost $71 million
from partners, creates eight spin-off companies, files over 100 patents and
obtains close to 50 licenses. Since the inception of the NCE, over 100
companies have spun off from NCE-supported research.
The NCE is a key partner of the CPDC, providing funding through its
Centre’s of Excellence for Commercialization and Research Program. The
NCE was created in 1989 as a joint initiative of the Natural Sciences and
Engineering Research Council, the Social Sciences and Humanities
Research Council, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Industry
Canada and Health Canada. The NCE harnesses the best talent in the
natural sciences, engineering, social sciences and health sciences, to build a
more advanced, healthy, competitive and prosperous Canada. The centres
and networks created through the NCE have steadily helped to form the
right environment for industry and government to invest in Canadian
innovations. In an average year, the Networks of Centres of Excellence
leverages additional cash and in-kind contributions of almost $71 million
from partners, creates eight spin-off companies, files over 100 patents and
obtains close to 50 licenses. Since the inception of the NCE, over 100
companies have spun off from NCE-supported research.
Centre’s of Excellence for Commercialization and Research Program. The
NCE was created in 1989 as a joint initiative of the Natural Sciences and
Engineering Research Council, the Social Sciences and Humanities
Research Council, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Industry
Canada and Health Canada. The NCE harnesses the best talent in the
natural sciences, engineering, social sciences and health sciences, to build a
more advanced, healthy, competitive and prosperous Canada. The centres
and networks created through the NCE have steadily helped to form the
right environment for industry and government to invest in Canadian
innovations. In an average year, the Networks of Centres of Excellence
leverages additional cash and in-kind contributions of almost $71 million
from partners, creates eight spin-off companies, files over 100 patents and
obtains close to 50 licenses. Since the inception of the NCE, over 100
companies have spun off from NCE-supported research.
Canadian Medical Isotope Ecosystem (CMIE)
The Canadian Medical Isotope Ecosystem (CMIE) represents a dynamic, nation-wide community that is dedicated to strengthening the Canadian medical isotope sector by providing resources to connect organizations, create new jobs, and through their development fund (CMIEDF), fund next generation medical isotope programs. Led by CPDC and TRIUMF Innovations, the CMIEDF is backed by the Government of Canada’s Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF). The CMIEDF is an $80M initiative that aims to unite a diverse array of stakeholders in the medical isotope sector and to accelerate technology development and commercialization.
The Canadian Medical Isotope Ecosystem (CMIE) represents a dynamic, nation-wide community that is dedicated to strengthening the Canadian medical isotope sector by providing resources to connect organizations, create new jobs, and through their development fund (CMIEDF), fund next generation medical isotope programs. Led by CPDC and TRIUMF Innovations, the CMIEDF is backed by the Government of Canada’s Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF). The CMIEDF is an $80M initiative that aims to unite a diverse array of stakeholders in the medical isotope sector and to accelerate technology development and commercialization.